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Teledemocracy by Ytterstad, Akselsen, Svendsen, and Watson


In preparing this presentation, we took what we consider a sound article that can stand on its own merits and then tried to take full advantage of the World Wide Web's facilities to add value to the work. The presentation includes:

  • images;
  • context sensitive maps -- indicated by [image map];
  • FTP access.

Through an extensive use of pictures with accompanying descriptions, we try to tell our story in a more summative format. Readers who want a quick overview of the work can view a set of images with accompanying captions, which cover the main points of the article. This technique has been inspired by the style of journals such as Scientific American and National Geographic. As a supplement to the main presentation, images from field trial activities and parts of the project scrapbook are available.

In addition, we have kept the scientific style of presentation for those who want a more detailed exposition. The strength of having direct links to references, and also in some instances the sources of publications, is demonstrated. It should be noted that some of the figures contain context sensitive maps and thus add an interactive dimension to the presentation. The image maps also illustrate the software's dynamics. Furthermore, a demonstration version of the program for MS Windows is available.

Finally, we have included a review of the project by one of the politicians who participated in the field trial. It is interesting to be able to offer a first-hand statement on how one of those involved assesses the project.

The total document consists of 153 items (i.e., files and directories), a total of more than 8 Mb, including demonstration software.

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